Welcome to the SAVE EMERSON blog. This is meant to be a place where we can brainstorm ideas. We welcome your comments on any post. We ask only that you keep them positive and helpful. The blog administrators retain the right to delete any comments they deem harmful. If you choose to comment using the "anonymous" option for convenience, we hope you'll include your name as part of your comment.

If you have ideas for future posts, please email them to us at saveemerson@gmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to read here and to share your ideas with us.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


The DJUSD budget crisis affects all of us: parents, grandparents, employers, property owners and community members. The Davis Schools Foundation (DSF) urges all community members to attend one of the Town Hall Meetings scheduled in the following locations around Davis.

Representatives from the Davis Schools Foundation will provide information and answer questions about the budget crisis and the Foundation. Come and find out about the Foundation's Dollar-a-Day Campaign and "Buy-Back" plan and how, together, our community can maintain excellent programs for all Davis children!

  • April 7 - DHS Performing Arts Building 7:30 p.m.
  • April 14 - Harper Junior High, MPR 8:30 a.m.
  • April 15 - Cesar Chavez Elementary, MPR 8:30 a.m.
  • April 15 - Patwin Elementary, MPR 7:30 p.m.

Davis Schools Foundation will gladly accept donations at these meetings, in the DSF box in the Emerson Office, on the website at www.davisschoolsfoundation.org/, or you can mail donations to Davis Schools Foundation at P.O. Box 1154, Davis, CA 95617. Donations are 100% tax deductable, and they can be made as one payment or divided into monthly payments. Funds raised by the DSF must be presented to DJUSD by May 15.

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