Welcome to the SAVE EMERSON blog. This is meant to be a place where we can brainstorm ideas. We welcome your comments on any post. We ask only that you keep them positive and helpful. The blog administrators retain the right to delete any comments they deem harmful. If you choose to comment using the "anonymous" option for convenience, we hope you'll include your name as part of your comment.

If you have ideas for future posts, please email them to us at saveemerson@gmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to read here and to share your ideas with us.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Still time to support Emerson and get reduced price tickets for the Carnival. You can still get Advance Tickets for the Carnival by submitting your order form and money to the office by Wednesday (forhand delivery at school only), buy them at the Farmer's Market Wednesday evening, or go to Carousel Stationary through Wednesday.

Starting Thursday the tickets will only be available at the Carnival. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. With the ticket you get a wristband for unlimited rides on any one day of the Carnival. You can buy individual ride tickets at the Carnival for $3 to $5 per ride. If you have questions, contact Frances McChesney at 530-400-4672.

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