Welcome to the SAVE EMERSON blog. This is meant to be a place where we can brainstorm ideas. We welcome your comments on any post. We ask only that you keep them positive and helpful. The blog administrators retain the right to delete any comments they deem harmful. If you choose to comment using the "anonymous" option for convenience, we hope you'll include your name as part of your comment.

If you have ideas for future posts, please email them to us at saveemerson@gmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to read here and to share your ideas with us.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I know it has been frustrating to want to give to DSF, but also feeling that keeping Emerson open is most important because its closure would affect every secondary student in Davis in very negative ways. However, the decision last night to keep the current secondary configuration for this coming school year gives us relief from our frustration so that now we can give our dollars generously to the Davis Schools Foundation and work hard to raise the $4 million to put all the positions and programs back in the schools.

I know you are as relieved and happy as I am. The Board and District staff will continue to discuss whether to change the configuration for the following year, but I am optimistic that the passing of the Parcel tax, DSF fundraising efforts, and a positive budget revise will ensure that all the junior highs will continue with the 7-9 configuration and we can look at some boundary adjustment.

I have been inspired by the caring and proactive community that I live in and am thankful to have met many of you during this challenging and emotional process. Keep up the good work to make our community the best it can be.

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