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Thursday, March 20, 2008


I met with Susan Lovenburg, our school board member, this morning about the closure of Emerson. I left there believing that if the Emerson faculty, parents, and students let the School Board know tonight that we prefer to stay at Emerson even if the facilities are not modernized or repaired in the near future, then they will be convinced to keep our school open another year at least. The School Board Members must know that we feel it is more important to stay together as a community in West Davis, even though the facility is not in the same state as Holmes and Harper. She seemed concerned that the parents and students feel that they are not treated equitably by the current physical state of Emerson. Several parents at the table tried to tell her that we would rather Emerson stay as it is than move to a newer, more modernized junior high on the far side of town. I would like to encourage all staff to stand together at the mic tonight and say that the facilities are not in bad enough condition to be the primary reason used to close the school.

I also learned there are more than 5 options that will be presented tonight. Try to access a copy of all the options. One is to bring DaVinci to Emerson.

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