Welcome to the SAVE EMERSON blog. This is meant to be a place where we can brainstorm ideas. We welcome your comments on any post. We ask only that you keep them positive and helpful. The blog administrators retain the right to delete any comments they deem harmful. If you choose to comment using the "anonymous" option for convenience, we hope you'll include your name as part of your comment.

If you have ideas for future posts, please email them to us at saveemerson@gmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to read here and to share your ideas with us.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Save our schools Rally! : Come and let them hear your voice!

: Tuesday March 18th
Time: 4 pm
Place: Central Park in Davis. We'll meet at Central Park (Russell Blvd. between B and C st.), rally there and then walk across Russell Blvd. to the DJUSD office.
Bring: posters, banners, friends and all your family (
Students are encouraged to speak at the Rally.)

We can not allow the School District to take rushed decisions without an in depth task force study. The proposal to close one Jr. High will have deep negative repercussions across the whole Davis community and the environment! Laying off 20% of our teachers, librarians, psychologists, etc. guts our wonderful schools, reduces our quality of life, lowers our property values and decreases the city's tax revenue.

Spread the word!!! It's not just about school families!

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