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Thursday, March 20, 2008


First, raise $3 million through the Foundation to get through this next year; then, try to get a parcel tax on the ballot in November for a long term solution. The important thing is to save programs in the short term. If we fire all of our elementary and junior high librarians...all of that institutional knowledge will be lost. So, even if we do hire more librarians a year later, our libraries will take many years to recover. Firing 14 secondary English teacher means no more class size reduction in 9th and 10th grade English. And, as I understand state rules, once we stop offering class size reduction, we cannot get it back. So, that means FOREVER losing smaller class sizes in those grades (the state picks up 2/3 of the cost). Of course, I'm biased because I'm an English teacher...but it seems pretty important to me to know that something we are doing in the short term could have far-ranging consequences for generations of Davis children.

Ummmm....just like closing Emerson.

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