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Thursday, March 20, 2008


Word has it there are 2 more options being added to the current 5. Both close Emerson and make the HS 9-12. So we now have 6 of 7 closing Emerson, and 5 of 7 turning the HS to a 9-12. I can see where this is headed.....

To make any headway with the board we will need facts/numbers. Folks planning to speak at the board meeting tonight might consider the following topics: (If you see an area that you might be able to tackle, please jump in!)

No one is yet clear on the REAL cost to fix these big problems at Emerson. Any way to find out what that is and share that with the board convincingly?

What are the big facilities problems vs. the small ones that can wait at Emerson?

Maybe pictures and costs spent on recent upgrades of the gym floors, carpets etc. to counter the devistating pictures the board has to review currently.

The REAL savings are still also unclear. $566,000 saved if this facility is closed, but actual savings will vary based on which option is chosen - more security needed for the extra HS kids if that goes 9-12, extra Vice Principals or some other staff depending on where the kids go.... The superintendent couldn't give an actual figure to the board member until he knew what staffing would be requested as a result of the changes.....but it seemed likely that it would be something less than the $566,000.

Once we know the real cost it will come down to programs vs. facility. I think it may be easier to rebuild programs that have taken a hiatus for a year or 2, but very unlikely to reopen a school once it is closed. Let the board know where your preference lies.

The board seems worried about closing the school and angering 1/2 of Davis (the 1/3 that are Emerson folks, and the 1/2 of Holmes that also got moved...) and then having proposed bond measures fail in Nov. If a school or programs have been spared for one year pending the passing of a tax, I think folks will feel more compelled to vote in favor of that tax knowing those things WILL be lost if the tax doesn't pass. If those things have already been taken from us, then it may be quite a bit harder to pass something. It may be helpful to remind the board of this :)

Isn't there also a legal mandate for the district to bus our children if they are being sent to schools outside of the attendance zones though no fault of their own? This, I'm sure, would be extremely costly and should be part of the equation....

Reminding the board of how much we still need to know, and urging them not to vote may be our biggest success right now.

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